ogalalla approach



The most aesthetic and sought after ski descent of this peak is also the best bang per straightforward buck in terms of quality skiing. And it's also not exactly within the confines of Wild Basin... The north face of this beast is, however; and a ski descent is certainly possible but not confirmed here (yet).


Express/Dalkes Couloir

The approach for this line starts at the trailhead just outside of Camp Dick, just west of the Peaceful Valley campground. Or, if you're an ambitious four wheeler or mountain biker, you can crawl your way up to the Wilderness Boundary and start off from the Middle Saint Vrain Trailhead. The bridge here is the defining feature, and marks the change from road to trail. From this point, take a westward trek along the Buchanan Pass Trail, which follows the Middle Saint Vrain Creek to a fork just above 10k'. At this point you may have lost the snow covered trail- simply follow the valley floor as it winds along the creek heading west (or stick to the St. Vrain Glacier trail, if you can find it).

The ridgeline to your right will start to extend upwards into a massive granite peak known as Elk Tooth. A plethora of enticing couloirs creep through these piled granite pillars, offering all kinds of eye candy:

Once you've manuevered your way through, continue to stay low and follow the valley floor as you make your way west. At around 11,000 feet things narrow and the snow steepens off to a defined bench.

Continue on strong until you reach the apron of the big guy- you'll likely know it when you see it. The line leads straight up from here with rock outcrops most prominently extending up to your left. As per the pitch, things never get too steep, sticking to below 40 most of the way with a few bits that may creep slightly above. Still though, this is a spring descent that requires a consolidated snowpack, don't go pushing the envelope with this or any of the lines on this site!

Keep climbing/booting and you'll reach the end of the snow at a bench that bends lookers left to the summit. Drop your bag here, take in some views and meander your way up to tag the thirteener if you wish. The little outcrop here is a great place to soak in some sun if you're waiting for the face to soften, or you can go ahead and drop in.

Bench near summit Summit Rocks View towards Elktooth View towards Elktooth

Enjoy the pleasant line as you ski plenty of vert back down to the apron below. The skiable vert is tremendous and you should feel mighty fine milking all the turns you can!

ogalalla ridge ogalalla-apron Benches
ogalalla n face ascent/bootpack up ogalalla